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Skin care removed to spots skin Apply this on the face for 10-minutes-before-bathing

This on face for 10 minutes before bathing, the spots on the skin will be removed

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 Summer Skin Care: 

Today let us tell you about a home remedy that will change your complexion. This recipe is made from home ingredients and it removes dead skin, tanning, acne, blemishes etc. quickly. 

Summer Skin Care

Acne and acne scars often overshadow the beauty of the face. Then the question becomes how to get rid of this acne and its scars. So today let us tell you about a home remedy that will change your complexion. This recipe is made from home ingredients and it removes dead skin, tanning, acne, blemishes etc. quickly. And the beauty of the skin increases. This home remedy will prove to be more effective than expensive beauty products. 

Potato juice :

Potatoes can be used to lighten skin by peeling and extracting the juice. Apply this juice evenly on the face and neck with the help of Rs and massage gently. Leave it on the face for 15 minutes and then wash the face with warm water. If you do this remedy twice a week, you will see a tan on your skin. Because the antioxidants and bleaching agents in potatoes will remove your dead skin and enhance the natural glow. 

Amla and Aloe Vera :

First of all take one spoon of amla juice and mix one spoon of aloe vera gel in it. Apply both the ingredients evenly on the face and wash the face after 20 minutes. Both these things will also remove the tan from your face and bring glow to the skin.

Oranges and raw milk

First of all take orange peel powder and mix raw milk in it. Apply both these on the face and after ten minutes rub it in a circular motion and wash the face with cold water. Using it twice a week removes blemishes from the skin.

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